Issue #240419   |   April 19, 2024

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If you read a lot of biographical material about Walt Disney, you’ll discover his great love and respect for “STORY.” Story, at the Disney studios, was king. Projects were either set aside or completely dismissed because there were story problems that just couldn’t be solved at the time. But Walt wasn’t dubbed the “best story man in Hollywood” for nothing… He would work a story with his writers and artists until every possibility was exhausted. This shows in all of their early short cartoons and feature films. Hollywood would do well to revisit the work that was done in those halcyon days and strive to continue that creative process.

In today’s strip Wally has seemingly hit a brick wall in his filmmaking process… at least he realizes this before moving forward! As of this scheduling even I don’t know how he’ll solve this challenge. I’m eager to find out though!

